IACA Election Coverage – Vice President of Administration

This year there is one IACA board position up for elections: Vice President of Administration. Two (2) candidates are currently in the running; for more information on the candidates and to cast your vote, please visit https://iaca.net/meet-your-candidates/. Reminder there are two voting phases in the elections process – one to solidify the candidates’ position in the running and a final one to decide on the ultimate victor. Please remember to vote both times as your first vote will not carry over into the second phase. These podcast episodes serve as another medium for candidates to campaign and do further outreach outside of IACA resources. LEAP and the podcast Analyst Talk With Jason Elder are not a subsidiary of IACA. For any questions, concerns, or feedback on the podcast, please contact the LEAP team at [email protected].

Annie Mitchell

Annie Mitchell is currently a Crime Analysis Trainer and Consultant at OnPoint Analytics based out of California, USA, a position held from 2017 to present. Prior to this position, Annie was the Supervising Crime Analyst for the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department from 1975 to 2018 (43+ years). Annie is currently the VP of Administration for the IACA.

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/annie-mitchell-004251 

For the YouTube version:  https://youtu.be/3Brwxe8jLzc 

Questions and Timestamps:

Can you give our listeners a quick bio about you? Where are you from, what’s your current job title, are you a part of any committees now, etc. 0:00:35

Why do you want to be the next VP of Administration? 0:03:28

What experience or training do you have that makes you qualified for this position? 0:04:37

As a board member, how would you increase membership participation/involvement in IACA? / How would you gain the confidence of the membership? 0:06:12

The membership dues are $25 per year and have never changed since the beginning. Inflation from 1990 suggests dues be increased to $50. Do you think the membership dues should increase? If so, why should it increase and how much should it be? If not, why should it stay the same?  0:08:15

How do you think IACA training and certification should be promoted? 0:10:19

Historically, the VP of Admin oversees the conference committee. What changes do you want to see in the next conference? What if we cannot meet for next year's conference because of COVID?  0:13:02

What would winning the VP of Admin election mean to you? 0:16:20

Do you have any final words for our listeners? / What is your campaign slogan? 0:18:01

Rules & Regulations for Candidate Interviews:

The LEAP team will not endorse any candidate.

Every candidate will be invited to participate in their own dedicated podcast episode.

All candidates will be given the same standard questions (see below) for the respective position (i.e. questions for presidential candidates vs secretary will be specific to those positions) ahead of time to review prior to their interviews.

To clarify a candidate’s answer, follow-up questions are permitted.

All candidates will be given up to 30 minutes for their episode.

All candidates will have their episode published at the same time prior to the voting period.

Limited editing permitted to ensure quality publication (e.g. speaker volume, background noise, etc.)


Law Enforcement Analysis Podcast (LEAP) and the podcast Analyst Talk With Jason Elder are not a subsidiary of the International Association of Crime Analysts (IACA). While the creators and guests on the episodes are members of the association, LEAP is an independent entity operating separately from IACA oversight; however, to promote trust, unity, and collaboration, LEAP strives to operate harmoniously and respectfully with IACA and its subsidiaries to further the profession of law enforcement analysis. The IACA Elections Committee was informed of these episodes during the planning stage of the process and helped provide rules and regulations to further ensure impartiality and fairness. For any questions, concerns, or feedback on the podcast, please contact the LEAP team at [email protected].

Host: Jason Elder

Writer: Mindy Duong

Consultant: Allison Mayer

Logo: Kyle McMullen

Theme Song: Rough & Tumble

Website: www.leapodcasts.com