Episode: 00066

Release Date: August 2, 2021

Description: If criminal justice had a baby with computer science, Todd Wiles would be that lovechild. From starting out as a graduate assistant at Kent State University’s Institute for the Study and Prevention of Violence, to working his way to crime analyst roles at both the Jacksonville FL Sheriff’s Office and the Cleveland OH Police Department, Todd has worked towards a happy symbiosis between data and law enforcement. Todd breaks down the different change of pace between working in an academic environment to the demands of a major police department. At Jacksonville, Todd learned the importance of data organization and data processing, of having your data timely, clean, and ready to analyze. Todd later moved to Cleveland where he became the agency’s first civilian crime analyst and shares his badge story of using tower dump data to help identify a rape suspect. Throughout his career, Todd shows how analysts can make data work for them. Todd is currently a Crime Analyst III at the Cleveland Department of Police. 

Name Drops: Dr. Eric Jefferis (00:02:42), Paul and Patricia Brantingham (00:03:42), Matt White (00:06:18), Joey Ryan/Mary Garrand Craige (00:05:56), Paul Byers (00:01:02)

Public Service Announcements:
Erin Wickersham (https://www.leapodcasts.com/e/atwje-erin-wickersham-the-saucy-analyst/)
Manny San Pedro
Dawn Clausius (https://www.leapodcasts.com/e/atwje-dawn-clausius-the-well-rounded-analyst/)
Steve Beltz (https://www.leapodcasts.com/e/atwje-steven-beltz-the-conversationalist/


Related Links: https://www.cleveland.com/court-justice/2015/06/early_morning_rapist_sentenced.html, https://woobull.com/, https://fivethirtyeight.com/, https://www.amazon.com/Signal-Noise-Many-Predictions-Fail-but/dp/0143125087

Association(s) Mentioned: Northern Ohio Violent Crime Consortium (NOVCC)

Vendor(s) Mentioned: ESRI, I2

Contact: https://www.linkedin.com/in/todd-wiles-46318015/ 

Podcast Writer: Mindy Duong

Podcast Researcher: 

Theme Song: Written and Recorded by The Rough & Tumble. Find more of their music at www.theroughandtumble.com.

Logo: Designed by Kyle McMullen. Please visit www.moderntype.com for any printable business forms and planners. 

Podcast Email: [email protected] 

Podcast Webpage: www.leapodcasts.com 

Podcast Twitter: @leapodcasts

YouTube Version: https://youtu.be/dA_cecStLAU 


00:00:31 – Introducing Todd
00:04:53 – Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office
00:15:13 – Cleveland PD
00:21:33 – Compstat
00:26:53 – Break – Dawn Clausius and Manny San Pedro
00:28:11 – Analyst Badge Story - Early Morning Rapist
00:44:59 – Break - Erin Wickersham and Steve Beltz
00:46:06 – Technology Advice
00:51:49 – Personal Interests – CryptoCurrency
01:02:21 - Don’t Be That Analyst
01:10:49 – Words to the World