Episode: 00105

Release Date: May 2, 2022

Description: In this week’s episode, our guest, Lindsey Calvillo, gives us insights on workplace culture and how she handled a hostile work environment. Lindsey brings three analyst badge stories to this interview, including her help in implementing a violent offender apprehension program, a commercial burglary involving fast food chains, and a gang-related breaking-and-entering – there’s a little bit of something for everyone in this episode! Lindsey is currently a crime and intelligence analyst for the Lenexa Police Department. 

CHALLENGE: There are Easter eggs in one of the tables of the chapter that Jason wrote for the IACA textbook. First-person to email us at [email protected] about what the Easter eggs are will receive a $20 gift card from us. Happy hunting!

Name Drops: Adrienne Galbrecht (00:46:24), Sean Bair (00:50:59), Megan McCathy (00:52:48)

Public Service Announcements: 

Related Links: https://iaca.net/about-clea/, https://www.marcan.org/, https://www.technosecurity.us/mb/ 

Association(s) Mentioned: MARCAN, IACA

Vendor(s) Mentioned: 

Contact: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lindsey-calvillo-15913a230/

Transcript:  https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/ps72j6/Lindsey_Calvillo_transcript.pdf

Podcast Writer: Mindy Duong

Podcast Researcher: 

Theme Song: Written and Recorded by The Rough & Tumble. Find more of their music at www.theroughandtumble.com.

Logo: Designed by Kyle McMullen. Please visit www.moderntype.com for any printable business forms and planners. 

Podcast Email: [email protected]  

Podcast Webpage: www.leapodcasts.com  

Podcast Twitter: @leapodcasts

YouTube Version: https://youtu.be/vpO72EQ8RvU


00:00:17 – Introducing Lindsey
00:05:45 – Panel Interviews
00:08:55 – 1st Major Case:  Use of Force
00:16:39 – IA Complaint Against Supervisor
00:33:39 – ABS:  Violent Offender Initiative
00:38:12 – ABS:  Restaurant Burglaries
00:41:31 – ABS:  B&E and MS-13
00:44:59 – Transitioning to Lenexa
00:57:04 – IACA Certification and Promotion
01:03:58 – MARCAN
01:09:43 – Digital Safety for Families
01:14:51 – Words to the World