Episode: 00168 Released on July 17, 2023 Description: Dr. Andrew (Drew) Dasher joins us this week with how he transitioned from a sworn officer to a crime analyst, and the benefits it gave him from being on both sides. Drew shares two badge stories this episode, one of a bank robbery series and another of a sexual assault that was taking place in an apartment complex. Drew shares his perspective on the case as both an officer and an analyst, giving us a close look on what criminal investigations entail. Drew is currently a senior threat and risk analyst for the University of Texas Police at Houston. 

“Humping the call” has got to be one of the funniest phrases we’ve heard this year thus far. Do you have any funny phrases you’ve used or heard in law enforcement that you want to share with us? Feel free to comment on any of our social media platforms and/or YouTube channel. This episode also contains the everso funny segment Sh*t You Hear in the Office; as always, have one (or more) to share? Hit us up!~

Chris Hermann (https://www.leapodcasts.com/e/atwje-chris-herrmann-beyond-the-dots/)
Annette Shapiro (https://www.leapodcasts.com/e/atwje-annette-shapiro-florida-woman/)
Jonathan Sofley (https://www.leapodcasts.com/e/atwje-jonathan-sofley-just-say-no/)
Kristen Jacoby (https://www.leapodcasts.com/e/atwje-kristen-jacoby-the-mile-high-analyst/)
Jennifer Hill (https://www.leapodcasts.com/e/atwje-jennifer-hill-going-above-beyond/

CHALLENGE: There are Easter eggs in one of the tables of the Excel chapter that Jason wrote for the IACA textbook. First-person to email us at [email protected] about what the Easter eggs are will receive a $50 gift card from us. Happy hunting!

Name Drops: Tom Cassidy (00:38:22), David Cariens (00:56:31), Pam Miller (01:07:14) 

Public Service Announcements:
Rhea Gerstenkorn (https://www.leapodcasts.com/e/rhea-lyn-gerstenkorn-the-designated-survivor/)
Jim Mallard (https://www.leapodcasts.com/e/atwje-jim-mallard-the-analyst-in-the-shadows/)

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Contact: [email protected] 

Transcript: https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/34zk3d/AndrewDasher_transcript.pdf 

Podcast Writer: Mindy Duong

Podcast Researcher: 

Theme Song: Written and Recorded by The Rough & Tumble. Find more of their music at www.theroughandtumble.com.

Logo: Designed by Kyle McMullen. Please visit www.moderntype.com for any printable business forms and planners. 

Podcast Email: [email protected]  

Podcast Webpage: www.leapodcasts.com  

Podcast Twitter: @leapodcasts

00:00:17 – Introducing Drew
00:07:49 – From Streets to Office
00:10:59 – ABS: Bank Robbery Series
00:24:39 – ABS: Serial Rapist
00:36:08 – Break: Rhea Gerstenkorn & Jim Mallard
00:36:55 – Onto Lincoln
00:45:07 – Threat Assessments 
00:54:36 – Education Requirement 
00:59:27 – Sh*t You Hear in the Office 
01:08:03 – Personal Interests:  Amateur Radio & Scuba Diving
01:13:40 – Words to the World