Episode: 00188 Released on December 4, 2023  Description: Doris credits her mother for steering her into the direction of law enforcement analysis. In this episode, Doris shares how she gained the trust of officers in different agencies, the cases solved due to effective communication, and how neighboring jurisdictions can vary with their policing culture (Palo Alto vs East Palo Alto). Doris also shares her appreciation for Steve Gottlieb’s Crime analysis: From first report to final arrest book, and how it helped her with her day-to-day work as an analyst. Doris has since transitioned into the private sector, and discusses the nuances of being a private provider in law enforcement. Doris is working on her doctorate degree focusing on employment opportunities for black men who were previously incarcerated, and she is currently the Analytics Director for SoundThinking (formerly ShotSpotter).

CHALLENGE: There are Easter eggs in one of the tables of the Excel chapter that Jason wrote for the IACA textbook. First-person to email us at [email protected] about what the Easter eggs are will receive a $50 gift card from us. Happy hunting!

Name Drops: Steve Gottlieb (00:13:28), Chief Jeff Liu (00:27:35), Dr. Bob Showen,/Dr. Rob Calhoun/Jason Denham (00:31:38)

Public Service Announcements:
Metre Lewis (https://www.leapodcasts.com/e/metre-lewis-the-lone-wolf/)
Jeff Vandersip (https://www.leapodcasts.com/e/jeffrey-vandersip-the-crackerjack-analyst/)

Related Links:

Company Info https://www.soundthinking.com/
East Palo Alto Murder Capitol Info        https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1993-01-05-me-833-story.html
Incarceration Rates                                          https://www.prisonpolicy.org/research/race_and_ethnicity/
Employment & Incarceration                       https://www.prisonpolicy.org/reports/beyondthecount.html
Economic Opportunity                                   https://www.whitehouse.gov/cea/written-materials/2022/05/09/expanding-economic-opportunity-for-formerly-incarcerated-persons/
Steve Gottleib’s Book                                     https://www.ojp.gov/ncjrs/virtual-library/abstracts/crime-analysis-first-report-final-arrest
Data Analytics Bootcamp   https://bootcamp.berkeley.edu/data/
Crime/Intel Certification                                https://apps.cce.csus.edu/ecs/CourseGroup.aspx?group_number=115&group_version=2
Bay Area Crime Analysts Association https://www.baciaa.org/

Association(s) Mentioned: 

Vendor(s) Mentioned: SoundThinking, ShotSpotter

Contact: https://www.linkedin.com/in/doris-b-cohen-822a4364 

Transcript: https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/m9rizg/DorisCohen_Transcript.pdf 

Podcast Writer: Mindy Duong

Podcast Researcher: 

Theme Song: Written and Recorded by The Rough & Tumble. Find more of their music at www.theroughandtumble.com.

Logo: Designed by Kyle McMullen. Please visit www.moderntype.com for any printable business forms and planners. 

Podcast Email: [email protected]  

Podcast Webpage: www.leapodcasts.com  

Podcast Twitter: @leapodcasts

00:00:17 – Introducing Doris
00:07:37 – Taskforce Tasks
00:19:41 – East Palo Alto PD 
00:28:52 – Break:  Metre Lewis & Jeff Vandersip 
00:30:26 – Shotspotter 
00:40:26 – Doctorate
00:46:26 – Advice & Certification
00:49:53 – Personal Interests:  Reading about Prison
00:51:25 – Words to the World