Episode: 00045

Release Date: March 8, 2021

Description: Advancement in technology has provided an abundance of tools and programs to law enforcement to modernize their approach towards Investigations and public safety; however, it takes an open and creative mind to envision the possibilities these tools and programs can do to help the agency with their mission -- it's not as easy as just pressing a button! In this episode, Chris Delaney shares how he cultivated a meaningful and productive workplace for civilian and sworn personnel to work harmoniously, set up a regional crime analysis center, conducted effective CompStat meetings and presentations, developed comprehensive databases, and his transition from a crime analyst to the private vendor, Esri. Chris gives insight on how he navigated through the tension between different entities and limitations of available technology, to reach solutions that benefited everyone involved. Chris also gives us a brief overview of the capabilities of the current Esri products and practices and what can be expected in the future. The episode wraps up with Chris's culinary specialty and encouraging words to the next generation of analysts and law enforcement professionals. Chris is currently the Product Owner for Law Enforcement Solutions at Esri. 

Name Drops: Dr. John Klofas (00:03:00), David Kennedy (00:03:50), Christopher Bruce/Mark Stallo/Jim Mallard (00:07:20), Jerry Ratcliffe (00:12:48), Alex Schneider (00:15:40), Rachel Boba-Santos/Will Gorr/Kristen Kurland/Christopher Bruce (00:16:46), Nick Petitti/Joe Silva/Adrian Martin/Mark Gorthy/Pam Delaney (00:20:10), Matt White (00:21:48), Sally Rawlings (00:22:25), Phil Mielke (00:39:08), George Kikuchi/Emily Blackburn/Lindsay Maier (00:41:55), Ian Williams/Debbie Verduga (00:44:16), Mike Jones (00:47:34), John Beck/Stacy Belledin/Derek Paulsen/Kevin Armstrong/Rad Cylwik/Kurt Smith/Betsy Leis (00:52:30), Christopher Bruce (00:54:05), Joey Ryan/Susan Whitford/Sam Gwinn/Lauren Norman (01:01:02), Allison Sullivan/Charley Giberti/Matt White (01:01:11), Carolyn Cassidy/Jim Mallard/Sam Gwinn/Mary Bertuccelli (01:02:52), Deb Piehl/Noah Fritz (01:03:08), Sam Steiner (01:07:25)

Public Service Announcements:  Sally Rawlings, Stacy Belledin

Related Links: https://www.esri.com/en-us/industries/law-enforcement/overview
https://www.leapodcasts.com/e/sally-rawlings-the-teacher-extraordinaire/ (00:22:22), 
https://popcenter.asu.edu/sites/default/files/retaliatory_violent_disputes_asu_version_0.pdf (00:24:13), 
https://www.leapodcasts.com/e/atwje-ritchie-martinez-the-30-degrees-analyst/ (00:31:15), 
https://www.policechiefmagazine.org/the-stratified-policing-model-delaware-state-police/ (00:50:28), https://www.reducingcrime.com/ (00:50:34), 
https://www.leapodcasts.com/e/iaca-top-10-most-influential/  (01:01:33)

Association(s) Mentioned: IACA

Vendor(s) Mentioned: Esri, Lexus Nexus 

Contact: [email protected]

Podcast Writer: Mindy Duong

Theme Song: Written and Recorded by The Rough & Tumble.  Find more of their music at www.theroughandtumble.com.

Logo: Designed by Kyle McMullen. Please visit www.moderntype.com for any printable business forms and planners. 

Podcast Email: [email protected]

Podcast Webpage: www.leapodcasts.com

Podcast Twitter: @leapodcasts

YouTube Version: https://youtu.be/2XwZ_4-Kx9E 

00:00:31 - Introducing Chris
00:05:44 - Gang Database
00:08:59 - Civilianizing a Police Department
00:12:41 - Creating/Managing a Crime Analysis Center
00:21:18 - Date Warehouse
00:22:22 - What Makes Rochester Different 
00:28:20 - Director-level Position
00:37:46 - Break - Sally Rawlings, Stacy Belledin
00:39:04 - Moving on to ESRI
00:44:33 - Police Data on Mobile Devices
00:58:23 - Advice for Transitioning to Private Sector
01:01:33 - IACA
01:06:08 - Not So Popular Great Traveling Spots
01:12:06 - The Garbage Plate
01:14:52 - Quick Queries Game
01:18:41 - Words to the World

The Garbage Plate