Myke is back from the Tour and Casey got to attend an Apple event.

Myke is back from the Tour and Casey got to attend an Apple event.

This episode of Analog(ue) is sponsored by:
Squarespace: Make your next move. Enter offer code ANALOGUE at checkout to get 10% off your first purchase.
Pingdom: Start monitoring your websites and servers today. Use offer code ANALOGUE to get 30% off.
Linode: High performance SSD Linux servers for all of your infrastructure needs. Get a $20 credit with promo code ‘analogue2018’

Links and Show Notes Support Analog(ue) with a Relay FM Membership Upgrade #216: The 2018 October Event Draft - LIVE in Chicago - Relay FM Connected #215: Live from NYC: A Nightmare Level of Itching - Relay FM Ungeniused #65: The Raising of Chicago - Relay FM Ungeniused #66: Pneumatic Tube Mail in New York City - Relay FM Amazon Might Split New HQ2 Headquarters Among Two Locations | Time Good Instagram Follows — Liss is More Grace Dove on Instagram Stephanie on Instagram Della on Instagram Markosian on Instagram Sean on Instagram Bridget Beth Collins on Instagram Jemma Ridyard on Instagram Natalie Oberg on Instagram neko on Instagram Omar Z. Robles on Instagram Patricia Zhou on Instagram Casey at the Apple Event – Instagram Accidental Tech Podcast: 298: Protective Sandwich Schiller in the Background