Have you been seeking to change how you feel on a daily basis from feeling tied down to a boring or uninspiring life into one of meaning, fulfillment, and presence?

Whether you want to start a business, write a book, produce a podcast, do a TEDx talk, start vlogging on YouTube, produce a documentary, launch a non-profit, or be part of a foundation – whatever that looks like for you – what do you think has been stopping you from doing what you really want to do in your life? What is stopping you from fulfilling your purpose?

This is all about having to stop making excuses for not taking care of your dreams and desires. You have to overcome every single excuse that has been holding you back from seeing how powerful, masterful, and needed you are right now. It doesn’t mean you have to quit your job right away, although you probably have been contemplating your great resignation. 

All the self-limiting beliefs and the lies you tell yourself have to stop otherwise you just keep delaying your purpose. The issue here is if you don’t commit to making your purpose a reality then you will never make it a must – it just remains being a “should.” 

And so, you have to change your approach in a way that your purpose becomes your priority. You also need to build momentum around your life purpose so that you can turn it into a must rather than a should, otherwise it will continue to fall on the way side and you will continue to see others pass you by. Is this what you want? Then do something about it. This is your purpose on the line. Isn’t it worth it? What if taking a series of steps forward was all it took to make you feel more motivated? 

Today, I’m going to share with you 3 early warning signs that you won’t fulfill your purpose in life. This way, you have the bandwidth to determine your next steps – so you can finally fulfill your purpose. This is your opportunity to serve people through your purpose, life’s mission, and the wisdom that you’ve earned through the years. 

This is not the time to let fear hold you back. NOW is the only time that matters. People need your help and.that purpose is in your heart for a reason. NOW is when people need to hear your story. Share this episode with someone who has been talking about their life purpose but have hesitated prioritizing it in their life. 


Warning #1: You do not have measurable momentum around your life’s purpose.

Timeframe: Are you treating the pursuit of purpose like how an employee has to deliver to a shareholder within a 365-day timeframe? Giving yourself some slack would never be acceptable to a shareholder. 

Progress: Document your steps forward and results towards the pursuit of your deeply meaningful ambitions just this week. Seeing how little you’ve gone, you’d probably fire yourself right now.

Trust: Stop letting yourself down. You are disappointing yourself whenever you treat your life purpose like a should rather than a must. This builds a lack of self-trust. 

Courage: It takes courage to change your approach and imagine yourself winning especially if it’s been awhile that you’ve spent not doing anything for yourself. 

Awareness: It takes knowing how to change your state, your emotions, and your actions so that your outcomes generate the momentum you’ll need to make a real impact in your life. 

Coaching: Self-motivation is hard for many people. We all need someone who will challenge us and that plays a role when it comes to keeping our momentum. The great thing about having a coach is they can call you out when they see inaction and help you find a path forward. 

Motivation: “The momentum of continuous action fuels motivation while procrastination kills motivation” – Steve Pavlina

Action: A car battery recharges itself while you are driving in the same way that you recharge your commitment to your dream when you are taking actions towards the direction of your dream.

Warning #2: You spend a lot of time trying to exude an unattainable level of perfection. 

Resilience: This is not about having to quit your day job. This is about not quitting on yourself, your dreams, your purpose, and why you were put on this Earth. 

Authenticity: Knowing you can be real is the most freeing thing you can possibly imagine. It’s a rare opportunity when two people in a room can admit their inner-most vulnerable thoughts because they assume they will be judged or be seen differently than what they show to the world. 

Warning #3: You spend a lot of time thinking about the worst-case scenario when you consider different opportunities.

Attachment: If you’ve worked in one field for 25 years, you will probably fight tooth and nail to keep what you’ve worked hard for – even if those have been a shitty 25 years. From a distance, you can tell this is not a rational choice – it’s emotional. 

Imagination: We think in predictable patterns and in packets, word associations, and predictable or habitual negative-case scenario planning. But this only happens in your head. You have been swept away by your own imagination gone wrong.

Experiences: When you are attempting to fulfill your life purpose or do something outside of your comfort zone, you have a choice to avoid the new scenario and let go of your goal or to confront it head-on. What helps? Swapping old anxiety-inducing images with new ones by immersing yourself in new experiences.

About Melissa Llarena

Melissa brings a makerspace mindset that is laser-focused on creatively making space for courage for those with a big message to share with the world. A makerspace is a collaborative workspace with very different tools meant for making things fueled by active imaginations. In a makerspace, the goal is to inspire new creations. In Melissa’s program called Courage Makerspace ™ we are making space for courage in your daily life so that you can become an incredible thought leader who has the courage to connect, communicate, and create something incredible that will have an impact on the world. 

What makes Courage Makerspace™ different is that it uniquely brings an interdisciplinary and creative approach to high-performance coaching. This online program is based on psychological principles, the art of storytelling, and incorporates proprietary experiential tools that harness the power of our imagination. Melissa has infused proven strategies and insights that have empowered clients around the world.  Her background includes a psychology degree from NYU, an MBA from the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth, and she holds a Transformational Coaching Academy certificate based on Tony Robbins principles and Landmark Education insights. She is a native New Yorker who has lived/worked in Paris as well as London, and courageously relocated to Sydney, Australia with her family.

Want to be a COURAGEOUS thought leader who is fulfilling their life purpose?

If you intend to become a thought leader and have the courage to accomplish your life purpose faster than you've imagined possible, book an appointment with me in the next 24 hours. We’re going to assess where you are on this confidence journey, then we’re going to put our heads together and come up with a step-by-step game plan to define how you can rebuild your courage when you need it. Book this free session by going to http://www.melissallarena.com/sessions.

Want to continue the conversation?

Find me on Instagram! You can read my daily mini-blogs centered on the same three topics that my podcast features: creativity, courage, and curiosity. I believe that without all three it would be impossible to solve the challenges we were each uniquely made to solve. Wouldn’t you agree? I’m easy to find on Instagram @melissallarena

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