Whether your kids are two or twelve, today’s guest, Ashley Kegley-Whitehead, a social impact entrepreneur and mom of two girls, has decided to redefine chores for kids. She has built tools you can use to entice your kids to do chores and turn them into responsible human beings.

Ashley is on a mission to build self-reliant, compassionate, and confident kids. She believes small things can have a big impact, and that the messages and stories we tell our children today will shape their imagination and outlook tomorrow. Ashley knows first-hand and understands the importance of how values and ideals show up in our communities, workplaces, and households. 

As parents, it's important that we're able to have bolder conversations with our kids about this topic – and start them young. Chores are cool as well as raising kids with confidence. We've got to start thinking about how we can introduce to them, at an early age, things that would really grow with them, providing them with that constant healthy support system. 

In this episode, you will hear:

How we can turn around how our kids think about chores

Why chores are important and can predict future success

Having a checklist and keeping the score

Discussing chores with a three-year-old and other tips

Giving your kid tools to take responsibility

A new definition of “chores” 

How to build lifelong habits that stretch our kids

There are intangible benefits to doing chores

The power of sideways listening and conversation starters you can use

Using chores as a time to have richer conversations with kiddos 

Ways to think about using a book as a wellspring of other product ideas

Self-publishing, hybrid, and traditional publishing as options for entrepreneurs

Key questions to ask yourself as you consider how to write and publish a book

What are some benefits of building a business and sharing the journey with your kids

Celebrating our kids’ wins – big and small

Integrating what you do and who you are

SHARE this episode with a mom who enjoys reading nonfiction and/or is writing her own. 

Similar Episodes:

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How Ex-Corporate Mom Jo Dodd Went From Leaving Corporate America to Living in Jotopia, Episode 123


Supporting Resources:

Website: www.bigherimpact.com 

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/littlelift.bigimpact/ 

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/littlelift.bigimpact 

Ripple Reads 


Girls Empowerment Network


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Grab your FREE chapter of my upcoming book entitled: Mom Life Rescripted: Reawaken your imagination, reintroduce playfulness into your life, and stretch your thinking.

In the FREE chapter, you will instantly receive, get ready to:

See how I rewrote the “mom scripts” I inherited as a second-generation Latina who was raised to assume that becoming a mom was akin to a dream death sentence; can you relate?

Be taken back to the days when you were free to be whoever the heck you wished to be; watch how I relived my glory days so you can do the same without having to run away from your home to join the circus.

Get a jolt of energy to reclaim your former free and spirited self into this season of your life as you continue to explore your interests as seriously as you do those of your school-age kids; uncover how to bring back your ambitious self today and have the energy to execute too.

Meanwhile, check out what moms like you have to say about this chapter and my upcoming book overall! Get your free chapter today! Don’t you want to feel alive again? You know who raises happy kids? Happy moms. So here is what other moms have to say…

“This chapter is about getting in touch with your creative, playful, imaginative side. The part of yourself that perhaps felt freer before you became a parent, before you chose your identity and had a lot of responsibilities weighing you down. In helping you get in touch with your more playful, creative self, it not only helps you on a path toward greater happiness and fulfillment, but it also helps you to feel more fulfilled as a parent.” – Mom/PR

“The words: imagination, play, and fun are not the usual things we as mothers think of when wondering how to get a grip back on our career and I believe it provides a really fresh take and lots of food for thought for mothers reading it. I think that the tone is so energetic and fresh that it is why I would pick it up.” – Latina Mom/Positive Psychology Coach

“Melissa is a mom of three with big dreams who tells it like it is. She draws on her own experiences and the experiences of professionals she’s interviewed for her podcast to reflect on the plight of the mother. How do women conform to or challenge the traditional “mom script”? If you’re a mom, what can you do to break the “cultural glass ceiling” to be yourself and a great parent, all without having to force yourself into a mom mold that doesn’t fit you? Melissa is like a great friend, honest and wise, and funny, telling you about her life and asking you to reflect on yours. This book is a great purchase for moms in every stage of life.” – Aspiring Novelist, Librarian and Mom To Two Kiddos.

“For moms like me, the pandemic was an opportunity to re-evaluate and course correct things in our lives we weren’t thrilled with. Coming out of this period, sluggish yet motivated, so many of us can use this book to help us wake up! If you’re looking to refresh, reenergize, and yes, reimagine a better version of your life, this book is for you. I loved the hilarious, yet poignant stories about motherhood today and the window into the world of those who’ve gone for it – and did it.” – Mom In A Biracial Relationship Who Left A Corporate Career

“In her book, Melissa shows us that motherhood does not have to be a pause or an end of your pre-child self. With guidance from her podcast guests, she encourages us to think big, find what lights us up, think big, and move towards our goals with the steps that fit the reality of our lives as they are today. In doing so we honor and inspire our child(ren), and our own inner child.” – Single Mom To A 12-Year Old Boy