Today, you are in for an entrepreneurial treat as I feature Kim Pierce, the founder of Babe Australia, a company dedicated to giving customers an experience of just feeling good. You will hear a quote that you'll want to make your own which is, “I'm not here to get a haircut!” 

This conversation all started with my love of candles and one of them is called Love Letter made by Babe Australia. Curious and eager to know more about the genius behind this wonderful product, I then reached out to Kim Peirce – and here we are today!

As Kim was inching into her 40th birthday, she started to have that nagging feeling about what was next and what she wanted her next decade to look like. And so, she left a high-paying career as a management consultant to forge her own path in the beauty and wellness industry. 

She then realized there was just no time like the present, and the safety net will never be there so what was she then waiting for? There is never the right time to make any decision. and this has been the mantra that she discovered for herself.

Try this: Let yourself feel totally inspired by our conversation today. Then if you're thinking of growing your business or starting a side hustle whilst “mommying”, feel free to DM me on Instagram @melissallarena. For many new entrepreneurs, especially after a corporate career or haitus, it’s normal to begin thinking about your product or service idea and to feel a little hesitant to take action. However, for those of us who have been building our dreams for awhile, we have come to realize that any hesitancy is just a sign that you (like us) may need some solid accountability and a fellow mom’s tough love to get you focused, thinking imaginatively, and picking up the pace like a boss!

Share this episode with someone who’s been thinking of starting their own business but is still afraid of taking that first step. Kim shares a ton of entrepreneurial insights that will inspire you to finally take action!


Kim Peirce’s Biography

Kim Peirce is making a motza selling her beauty products globally after throwing away her six-figure corporate role – and she has made it big time! Kim leads her beauty & home wellness brand Babe Australia, which is more akin to fighting in the trenches of retail warfare because every day requires the flexibility and focus of a seasoned yogi. Founder of multiple start-ups, a loving mother, and a passionate speaker, Kim believes we are all capable of achieving anything we want – especially that we have the advantage of being born a woman.



Courage: Kim has shown so much courage and she expressed the warfare environment being in the retail industry. 

Creativity: Creativity is not just something that Kim comes out of her head. She actually puts something out into the market so she could come up with better versions of the product or completely create something totally different that meets the market demands. 

Curiosity: Kim considered four different ideas and put them out into the market to let the market decide. Be curious about what other people think, what's on the trends, and what generates more profit.

Feedback: If you put something out into the market, and they bring you back some feedback that doesn't feel so good, know that it's part of the process and part of your growth.

Action: Spending a really long time perfecting something can be a hindrance. Take action. Take a step, take the next step, and then the next step again.

Ideas: If you really love your original idea, simply ask yourself: what is your goal? Are you here to build a business or are you here to show the world that you have this idea? 

Handling negative feedback: Put your game face on and don't take things personally. At the end of the day, it's a business. 

Advantage: Being a woman is a privilege because we have this sensitive, nurturing side. 

Feeling good: The journey of feeling good is different for all of us. It's about capturing those little moments throughout the day that just feel good.

Growth: Kim initially got a furniture removal storage unit as her headquarters. Within a couple of months, she grabbed the next cage. And she ended up getting her own warehouse.

Careful: Once you say you've got a business, put your seatbelt on because everybody comes for you and they want to sell you a branding package, social media services, etc. 

Quality: What's happening behind the scenes is less important. So long as you are delivering a great product and your customer sees a brand that they can have an affinity with, you're a winner.

Trend: If you've got a general idea of where you want to go, look for something that's an emerging trend. Start with that and then add other pieces as you go.

If you enjoyed this conversation, check out these episodes with similar themes:

What Does It Take To Bring A New Product To Market, Expand Globally, And Continue To Deliver On A Brand Promise? Ask Adina Jacobs co-founder of Smarter Than Most Goods, Episode 64  

Neil Mossberg, CEO of Frank151, Fashion Influencer, and Entrepreneur Talks About Speaking Your Mind, Corporate Etiquette, and Asking ‘What is worth reviving?’, Episode 25 


Links to continue to learn from:

Website:  Instagram: @kimpeirce @babeaustraliaofficial Facebook:


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Want to continue the conversation?

Find me on Instagram! You can read my daily mini-blogs centered on the same three topics that my podcast features: creativity, courage, and curiosity. I believe that without all three it would be impossible to solve the challenges we were each uniquely made to solve. Wouldn’t you agree? I’m easy to find on Instagram @melissallarena


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