Nell Frizzell is a journalist, Vogue columnist and the author of an upcoming memoir, The Panic Years - about the period of your life which has no name, somewhere between adolescence and the menopause. Nell calls it The Flux.

In the book, Nell talks about financial uncertainty, the cost of nursery fees, the gender pay gap, parental leave and more. She writes honestly about how she 'lay out the financial arguments' to help persuade her partner to have a child.

She says she wrote the book not only to document her own experience but also to help other people going through the same period of turmoil, and so they might find it easier than she did.

I also spoke to Hayley Millhouse of OpenMoney, who shared some practical insights on financial preparations if you're expecting a child.


Nell's book, pre-order here!

Nell's column in Vogue

Twitter: @honest_account_ / @NellFrizzell

Email: [email protected]

This is the last episode of series 3. Thank you so much to everyone who listened, all my guests and my fabulous sponsor OpenMoney. If you have 20 seconds to spare, please give us a review / rating and subscribe, so you don't miss any future episodes!

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