We get so many questions about residence permits in Russia. Not only about how to get one, but here are the main pros and cons of getting a residence permit in Russia.

If you need to get in contact with a lawyer regarding a residence permit in Russia, please reach out to us at [email protected].

Our Facebook Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/anexpatsrussia/

Find a job in Russia - https://expatriant.com​​​

Get a visa to Russia - https://letsrussia.com

An Expat's Russia - https://anexpatsrussia.com/

Work Remote in Russia - https://exmote.com

Looking to practice your Russian? Join our weekly language exchange every Thursday at 8 pm Moscow time! https://lr.fyi/ytexchange​

Join our channel on Telegram at https://t.me/anexpatsrussia to get the latest updates.

Are you an expat in Russia? Would you like to share your story on our channel? Let us know by writing to [email protected].