Rebecca Tripp sips a steaming cup of Lon Lon Milk as she shares about her new Legend of Zelda audio drama, Lamp of Destiny. No skulltula is left unturned as we discuss the writing process, the mythological underpinnings of video games, and whether Link would hit a cucco.


An Evening at The Roost Theme - Originally from Animal Crossing: Wild World, arranged by Will Brueggemann

Ocarina of Time Middle Boss Battle Arrangement - Originally from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, arranged by The Noble Demon

File Select - The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker

Violet Flame - Rebecca Tripp

Hyrule Trails - Rebecca Tripp

Mini Game - The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

Rebecca Tripp:


Lamp of Destiny

An Evening at The Roost:






An Evening at The Roost is part of the marcato brothers network!