I am back and I am stirring the pot!

I took sometime away to really think about the topics that I wanted to speak about on this podcast and the topic of Spirituality and Religion just wouldn't leave my brain. I grew up in a very religious household and I had so many misconceptions about what it mean to spiritual. The things I thought we evil and demonic weren't the things I thought holy also failed to meet the standards of belief for  my heart and mind.

A lot of times we are living someone else's beliefs and we don't even know it. This week we dig deep into the separation of religion and spirituality. We crush harmful misconceptions and heal from a little bit of childhood trauma.

This week my guest is Tarot by Sinn aka Jami! Born and raised right outside of Charlotte, NC . Growing up religion was used a tool to punish not to help and after experiencing hypocrisy in the church she decided to walk away at the young age of 13.  She began to seek which included reading books on all types of spirituality including  Wicca.  Tarot touched her soul and she began reading at 14 years old.  When her father died suddenly in 1996 it began a long road of ups and downs for her.  As an only child she has survived both her parents which drove her down a dark path each time.  As an already diagnosed depressed individual these things took her down some of the darkest roads spiritually she'd ever take. Jami has overcome addiction and survived a very abusive relationship. She believes strongly in her spirituality and her gift to help others; she also still loves God! She is on a mission to correct the myths of being a witch and to end the stigma behind it.

Let's normalize spirituality in 2021!

For more info on Jami and her full bio follow her on Facebook at Tarot Readings by Sinn

This week I announced that I will be stepping away from Facebook. I am nervous and excited for this change. I want you to keep up with me here on my podcast, Instagram, Tiktok, and my business FaceBook page (which will be my only Facebook Outlet), and you can always sign up for the An EVEn Focus Blog and Newsletter!