Hey there, it's Aditi, and welcome back to January Unhinged! In today's episode, we're diving into the realm of rejections, careers, and the uncharted territory of my very own 'No Folder.'

With every "no" that echoed through my career journey—be it from exits, layoffs, or the everyday job hunt—I decided to redefine rejection. Instead of letting it sting, I created a digital space, my 'No Folder,' where each rejection finds its place. Why? Because I firmly believe that these very companies will one day reach out, eager to collaborate with me on exciting projects. Rejections, after all, are just a stepping stone toward a resounding "yes."

I share this journey not only as a testament to resilience but also to emphasize that rejection can be a redirection towards something better. Blessed with the means to sustain life without a traditional job, I've ventured into the endless realm of house chores. Quick reality check: moms deserve a 100x raise for the tireless work they put into maintaining households.

Yet, the reality of unending chores hasn't deterred my creative spirit. As I script this episode, I'm hoping to embark on a new job opportunity soon; otherwise, I might just lose my mind in the household hustle. Creativity finds its way in free time, and for me, walking through the Five Gardens sparks the flow of ideas. January Unhinged itself was born in the midst of these walks, amidst the chaotic yet vibrant noise.

So, buckle up for a candid exploration of rejections, redirections, and the undeniable humor of life. See you tomorrow for more untold stories and unfiltered conversations!