Writing is hard. In this episode, we talk imposter syndrome, editing, the right headspace for reading your own stuff, why you might need a “nice” agent, reading your work aloud to friends, recording audiobooks in the closet, being years late on a deadline, sending your editor proof of life and the deep inner conviction that people only buy your book because they feel sorry for you. #ohyeah.


Jess: Win by Harlan Coben

Jenny: Klara and the Sun by Kazuo Ishiguro

Hour of the Witch by Chris Bohjalian

Note: Bookriot Podcast

KJ: The Fifth Petal by Brunonia Barry

Jenny’s Bookshop: The Nowhere Bookshop, San Antonio, TX

The Fantastic Strangelings Book Club books:

Professional Troublemaker by Luvvie Ajayi Jones

Swallowed Man by Edward Carey

Mexican Gothic by Silvia Moreno-Garcia

Catherine House by Elisabeth Thomas

The Did Bad Things by Lauren A. Forry

Wow, No Thank You by Samantha Irby

Find Jenny at The Bloggess!

And have you checked out the Writing Class Radio podcast? Writing Class Radio is a podcast of a writing class.  If you love stories and get inspired by hearing other people tell their stories and want to learn a little bit about how to write your own stories, then this podcast is for you. Check it out here or search for it in your pod-player.

Need a new gig in the writing world? Have you considered becoming a book coach, but never known how to get started or been able to envision what that might look like for YOU? Author Accelerator can help. Sign up at bookcoaches.com to get a free mini course on what book coaching is, who makes a good book coach, and how you can make money helping writers soar.

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