As a coach, consultant, healer or transformational leader, attracting clients isn’t something most people learn in their training.

Having a successful six figure (or more) business requires you to have paying clients – so how do you convince a prospect that your process is going to transform their life?

Your ability to influence others in your marketing and sales is key – but not the way most marketers do with questionable tactics.

There is an art to what’s called ethical influence and uncovering these proven tactics can transform your client acquisition game. Michael Stevenson, co-founder and CEO of the Ethical Marketing Academy and Transform Destiny, joins me on Amplify Your Success Podcast episode 373 with invaluable insights into leveraging ethical persuasion to amplify your business success, emphasizing the power of connecting with the desires and needs of your potential clients. 

Join us as we explore the mindset, language, and strategies needed to not just attract, but also retain your ideal clientele. From mastering the art of influence to understanding the subconscious factors that impact customer decisions, this episode is packed with practical wisdom to help you secure more clients ethically and effectively.

Join us in the Amplify Your Authority FREE Facebook Group to learn more strategies to stop being a best-kept secret and stand out as an industry go-to authority.


Key Takeaways: 

06:09 Why starting a business doesn't guarantee success.

07:22 Michael’s story as a homeless teen, with programming skills, struggling to get hired, and the birth of his first software product.

09:20 How to amplify your authority and stand out with ethical persuasion strategies.

15:44 How Michael overcame insecurities to help others gain confidence.

17:51 NLP and how it helped heal both  Michael’s self esteem as well as Melanie’s ability to thrive.

22:38 Background on Neuro Linguistic programming (NLP) as a practical study of human thinking and behavior to stimulate listening and communication. Ethical concerns exist.

26:07 Discussion on ethical vs. questionable behavior in coaching and growth industry, advocating for trust and ethical practices to stand out in the market.

27:14 Focus on real metrics, not vanity metrics. NLP trainer had high close rate, but also high refund rate due to lack of substance and care for customers.

32:50 Asking questions is a powerful way to influence the conscious mind, which tends to default to inaction and rejection.

34:14 Sales is about coaching and serving, not just about making a profit.

38:09 The importance of language and future pacing when using ethical influence tactics.


Resources Mentioned in This Episode:

Get a free copy of Michael’s Best-selling eBook, Influence to Profit:

[FREE Download] Want to up your influence as a Guest Expert? Discover the 17 Mistakes Commonly Made that Cost You The Lead or Client