Authority positioning is a brand strategy that can confer credibility and influence. When someone is perceived as an authority in a particular field, their opinions and advice are more likely to be trusted and followed. Additionally, being an authority can open up opportunities for leadership and provide helpful decision-making cues.

If your market is crowded, an effective technique to stand out amongst a sea of “sameness” of offers is using your authority levers. When other influencers are seeking speakers or collaboration, they search for other influential experts. When a potential client is looking for someone to solve their problems, they tend to choose those with the highest authority.

Authority positioning can provide you a massive advantage.

On episode 320 of Amplify Your Success Podcast, discover five valuable reasons to leverage your authority to gain a competitive advantage in your market.

Join us in the Amplify Your Authority Facebook Group to unpack all 7 of the steps in my 7 Step Plan to Get Booked, Get Leads and Get 5 Figure Clients by Leveraging Other People's Audiences.



[3:57] Authority gives you a competitive advantage, similar to how being an author gives you instant credibility in the mind of your audience. [5:55] Credibility as a buying lever, especially in a crowded market, that leads to an increase in sales. [7:44] The importance of specification and distinguishing yourself for a buyer. [10:18] Leveraging your authority helps you build an influential network. [12:38] How raising your influence leads to more organically generated visibility opportunities. [15:25] Announcement about my upcoming Authority Accelerator event.


Resources Mentioned in This Episode:

2023 IGNITE Mastermind Authority Accelerator Event