When you are building a business, overwhelm can ebb and flow. But many busy women (and men) are balancing parenting, being a supportive spouse and growing their business. That’s when overwhelm can become debilitating and even impact your emotional well-being.

For many of us, mindfulness practices like meditation, conscious breath and even taking time to just ‘be’ can become a lifeline in the midst of perpetual stress.

On Amplify Your Success Podcast episode 318, Katie Krimitsos joins me to share how meditation and mindfulness helped her manage overwhelm— and became a business as well as sparking a movement.

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Key Takeaways

[5:52] Katie shares the story of her big business pivot to teach meditation and mindfulness. [12:24] The key strategy behind a podcast being your business’ power marketing strategy. [16:22] Katie shares a unique strategy of transforming her meditation podcast episodes into a product in itself. [18:04] How being a caregiver, and driving for success can set you up for overwhelm and stress. [26:40] What happened when Katie began mindfulness practices (and why it’s become such a powerful part of her life.) [41:30] Katie talks about how a bold move to invest in her new business growth paid off.


About the Guest

Katie Krimitsos is a mom, wife, adventurer, podcaster, seeker and change maker. She's committed to brightening the light of women around the world through her work under the Women’s Meditation Network - guided meditation podcasts and resources created for those who identify as women so they can use the tool of meditation to know themselves and consciously create lives they love. She has 8 podcasts in her network: Meditation for Women, Sleep Meditation for Women, Morning Meditation for Women, Sleep Sounds, Water & Nature Sounds, Ambient Sounds, Daily Affirmations Meditation for Women and Sleep Meditation for Women 3 Hours. She’s a writer at heart, has a soft spot for animals and Mother Nature, loves a good margarita, and treasures the job of raising her two girls.


Resources Mentioned in This Episode: Top 10 Most Popular Guided Meditations (for free, with no ads) - https://womensmeditationnetwork.com Discover Melanie’s 7 Step Framework to Add Another 6 Figures to Your Business by Leveraging Other People’s Platforms.