How many New Year resolutions have come and gone – and your results are just a fraction better? Imagine the next 12 months achieving goals you have dreamed about for years – what would have to be different to pull that off?

My friend Chris Burns of Becoming Your Greatest Possible Self joins me on episode 108 to share how he has smashed records and catapulted his brand into the very crowded coaching marketplace almost overnight.

If you find yourself nervous to set a really big goal or tend to procrastinate taking action, you’ll want to listen in!   


Key Takeaways

Chris and I discuss the difference between setting an intention and really claiming goals that feel big and scary. The secret behind creating your 2019 vision so that it acts like a magnet pulling you towards it. Chris shares the concept of “parenting your vision” so that you protect its poignancy and your inspiration to achieve it. Why challenging yourself to do what you don’t know how to do is a critical factor in achieving bigger success. I get Chris to reveal the game changing habit that caused him to skyrocket his business. We wrap up by covering why some entrepreneurs and small business owners THRIVE in life and business (and why others get stuck in struggling over and over.)

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About the Guest:

Clients hire Chris Burns, AKA Mr. "Heart Fire" to hold them accountable, breakthrough their BS, encourage them to be their best, and achieve higher levels of personal and professional performance. Since hitting rock bottom at an early age, and bouncing back stronger than ever. Over the last 2 years, Chris has interviewed more than 425 inspirational role models, influencers and leaders on his weekly, 12-hour live-streamed marathon and podcast called Becoming Your Greatest Possible Self.

Connect with Chris

Mentioned In this Episode:

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