What do you think you could achieve if you had the confidence to step into a more bold and daring version of yourself? An audacious goal? A really big vision? That idea you’ve been talking about for years and years but never find the time to finish?

You need the magic of a bold goal.

Bold goals are really different than any other type of goal. Just by setting a bold goal for yourself you uncover a new level of resourcefulness and resilience. But once you get into action on that goal an entrepreneur can shatter previous limits and outperform their expectations of what’s possible.

On episode 106 of Amplify Your Success Podcast discover I share what happens when you have a bold goal – and how to use it to activate a fierce, powerful version of yourself.

Be sure to join the conversation in the Amplify Your Success Community and share your input there too.


Key Takeaways

What’s different about a bold goal from other “every day” goals that you set and forget. Two of the reasons smart, capable small business owners and expert-preneurs set big goals then get derailed. How the mindset is your great asset around dissolving fear and doubt that normally hold you back. Why you normally won’t have confidence and courage before you tackle the goal (but how it kicks into high gear once you get into action!) A little known positive side-effect of having a goal that is WAY bigger than you know how to pull off. One actionable step you can use today to get your big idea off the ground.


[Why You Need the Magic of a Bold Goal on Amplify Your Success #Podcast Episode 106 with @melcoach]

Mentioned In this Episode:

Your Revenue Rush Toolkit Awaken Leadership Mastermind Own Your Bold Challenge Own Your Bold Inner Circle Mastermind


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