Every entrepreneur will be tempted at times to lower their prices, especially when sales have slowed and your current clients are balking at what you charge. But charging too little can have a disastrous impact on your business profits – can overtime can destroy your success.

In episode 83 of Amplify Your Success Podcast, discover the signs you are charging too little for your services and products as well as two case studies on how a simple shift in pricing created a three times increase in monthly revenues. Be sure to join the conversation in the Amplify Your Success Community about pricing too!

Key Takeaways

The reason why it’s a good sign that your prospects challenge your pricing. A major benefit of working with less clients who are willing to pay you more 5 signs that you are charging less than you should (and how it’s costing you in your business.) How to not make a common rookie mistake in pricing (hint: it has to do with not feeling confident with you offering yet!)

Mentioned In this Episode:

Check out Melanie Recommends for must-have business growth resources.

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