Join us for a recording of Amplify's first Top 10 Talk. During this event, Rob Bartlett and Molly Myers, P.E., presented their top ten tips for successful Process Hazard Analyses (PHAs). A list of the tips that Rob and Molly elaborate on is presented below. 

1. Choose your facilitator wisely

2. Documentation in key

3. The method matters

4. Create nodes like Goldilocks

5. Valuable members make a valuable team

6. What risk are you willing to accept?

7. Ask, "what's the worst that could happen?"

8. Approach operator response realistically

9. The final report is not the finish line

10.Don't procrastinate

A Q&A session follows the presentation. 

If you would prefer to watch the talk instead, view a video recording of the event here.

We want to know what you think - we welcome any feedback that you have about this event, and invite you to share your thoughts, including suggestions for future Top 10 Talk topics, in this short survey.