On August 2, 2022, the US Chemical Safety Board (CSB) released its final report into the 2017 pressure vessel explosion at Loy-Lange Box Company in St. Louis, MO. In today's episode, Molly and Jo take a deep dive into that report and break it down for you. So what can you expect in this breakdown? We'll cover some background information about the facility and its process, give you details about the day of the incident, and then break down the factors that ultimately led to the vessel's failure on April 3, 2017. Finally, we'll discuss how certain elements of a robust process safety program could have helped to prevent this tragedy, and provide you with three big takeaways that we think you'll find valuable, regardless of the industry or materials you work with. 

Find the resources we mention in this week's episode at the links below:

CSB Report
Episode 1 - Intro to Mechanical Integrity (MI) & RAGAGEP
PSM: Back to Basics, Part 6 - Mechanical Integrity (MI)