An EPA inspector has just been at your site, now what? Time to sigh in relief or time to panic? In this episode we pick up where we left off after Episode 4 - Government Inspections, and we cover what to expect once the EPA inspector is gone. Special guest Mathew Todaro of Verill Law joins us in this episode, using his years of experience handling complex regulatory matters to clue you into what your next steps should be and what routes the EPA could choose to take. We'll cover the two things the inspector could reach out for after they leave, what the EPA takes into consideration when making their enforcement decisions, the difference between informal and formal enforcement routes, when you should seek counsel, how fines are calculated, and more. If you've always wondered what's involved in EPA inspection and enforcement or want to know what happens when we put an engineer and a lawyer in a (virtual) room together, then this is the episode for you.

Learn more about Mathew Todaro here: