What do toothpaste, coffee, Superbowl Sunday, and Spock have to do with alarms? You'll find out in this episode, where we welcome back guest Curt Snyder, a certified functional safety expert, as we discuss building an alarm management program in your facility. We'll cover what goes into creating your alarm management program, why these programs matter, and more, along with plenty of anecdotes that will be sure to make you chuckle. If you're looking for some tips from a seasoned alarm management professional and want to know how operators can become "alarm champions" then this is the episode for you.

Looking for more resources regarding alarm management programs? Curt recommends the following:

Book: The Alarm Management Handbook - Second Edition: A Comprehensive Guide (buy it here on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Alarm-Management-Handbook-Second-Comprehensive-ebook/dp/B00GR8HBS8)
Book: EEMUA Publication 191 Alarm systems - A guide to design, management and procurement (buy a digital/PDF version here: https://www.eemua.org/Products/Publications/Digital/EEMUA-Publication-191.aspx)
Book: Effective Alarm Management Practices (ASM Consortium Guidelines) (buy it here on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Effective-Management-Practices-Consortium-Guidelines/dp/1442184256
Standard: ANSI/ISA-18.2-2016, Management of Alarm Systems for the Process Industries
Standard: 49 CFR 195.446, Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA), Control Room Management for Hazardous Liquids (See paragraph e for alarm management)
Standard: 49 CFR 192.631, PHMSA Control Room Management for Gas (See paragraph e for alarm management)
Standard: API RP 1167, Pipeline SCADA Alarm Management, API's version of alarm management written to support the PHMSA regulation
Article: Understanding and Applying the ANSI/ ISA 18.2 Alarm Management Standard from ISA's InTech magazine (download as PDF here: https://www.isa.org/standards-and-publications/isa-publications/intech-magazine/white-papers/pas-understanding-and-applying-ansi-isa-18-2-alarm-management-standard/

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