Mother of three, President of Generational Engagement Matters.


Mentor: My mother because of her ability and strength in holding our family together after my father left her with ten children. Because she gives me a sense of what a woman can do and it has been an invaluable lesson. But knowing a Living God is my rock.


To make a donation to the Essay Contest, please call 585-749-3494.




News article about JR 
Violence data
Boys & Girls Club of Rochester

"I'm Every Woman" song

City of Rochester

Rochester Office of Neighborhood Safety

RPD Open Portal

Louise Slaughter


Keywords: podcast, good, do good, amplify, amplify good, season 3, “I’m every woman”, boys and girls club Rochester, children, city of Rochester, counseling, Dr. Lewis Steward, essay, grandmother, gun culture, gun violence, healing, Johnny Ray Johnson, legislation, loss, Louise Slaughter, mentee, mentored, mentoring, mentors, mother, Rochester office of neighborhood safety, rpd open portal, solutions, trauma, uclm, violence data- us, violence prevention, youth, self-care