Ricardo Adams 

Trigger Warning: Audio contains conversation about police violence against Black people. 

Ricardo (and his family!) is a person of Aria’s heart. He means a lot to her- he’s been a great friend, teacher, listener, leader and his influence on Aria’s life is exponential. Like, for real- Ricardo is one of Aria’s heroes and role models, and she’s full of love for him and his incredible family.

Ricardo Adams is employed by the Center For Youth, and is a resilient youth and public education advocate. He is a graduate of Parent Leadership Training Institute's famous "cohort 5". As a parent of two daughters in the Rochester City School District he is fully engaged in making a difference in the education system. Ricardo recently ran a successful campaign for Rochester City School Board. He is the President of the Board of the Flying Squirrel Community Space and has been the Head Tour Guide for the Reality Tour the past 14 years. Ricardo has worked in partnership with Aria Strategies since 2018. 

 Links and Resources:

Center for Youth: https://www.centerforyouth.net/

Flying Squirrel Community Space: http://thesquirrel.org/

Free the People Roc: https://www.facebook.com/ftproc/

National Parent Leadership Institute: http://parentswholead.org/

Parent Leadership Training Institute: https://www.greaterrochesterplti.org/

RCSD BOE: https://www.rcsdk12.org/boe  

Reality Tours: https://swaarochester.org/reality-tours/