Ronkwahrhakónha was born in occupied Munsee Lenape and Wappinger territory to a Jewish mother and a Mohawk/Abenaki father. Lune is a college dropout, a trauma survivor, a mental health advocate, an indigenous educator, and a witch. Currently, he's living in Occupied Seneca Territory, after being forced to move back home due to lay-offs in Chumash trading territory.



Mohawk Nation:


Dawes Act:,to%20break%20up%20tribal%20lands.&text=Only%20the%20Native%20Americans%20who,allowed%20to%20become%20US%20citizens.


Sex Work:

Land Back:

Lindsey Ellis:




Keywords: Mohawk, Abenaki, Indigenous, Native American, Dawes Act, Indian Act, Judaism, Jewish, Jew, Ashkenazi, sex work, Land Back, youtube, Lindsey Ellis, witch, witchcraft, spells