Joy and diligence describe Kate Weller in all things. Her care for historical scholarship and interpretation invites us all to look backward and inward as we process what is happening in the now.


Working in the museum field for almost 20 years, Kathryn Weller has served as a Curator of Collections, Executive Director, and currently, Director of Education. No matter what role, education and finding ways to create meaningful connections between audience members and the work, collections, and mission of museums has always been her focus. 


As a cultural educator, Kathryn looks for ways of engaging with visitors and creating dialogue through historical topics that connect to issues today. Historical interpretation, when educators wear historical reproduction clothing, practice trades and crafts through historical methods, and/or interpret in a way that provides a tangible connection to the past, is an important educational tool that Kathryn uses in her own museum and also as a volunteer for other cultural organizations.




Lavada Nahon:

New York State Museum:

Not Your Momma’s History:



Keywords: education, children, family, civil rights, history, New York State, audience engagement, museum, museum education, interpretation, historical interpretation, Italian food