John Quincy Adams, the sixth President of these United States, said:

“I am prepared to complete the demonstration before God and men, that the Masonic oath, obligation, and penalties cannot by any possibility be reconciled to the laws of morality, of Christianity or of the land.”

Drawn from the Kabalah, and taking the Jewish or Christian verbiage or symbols, it but discerns in them universal truths which it recognizes in all other religions.”

Masonry Is Not Based on the Bible

Another spurious claim, which is often heard, is that Masonry is based on the Bible. IF THIS WERE TRUE, IT WOULD NOT GUARANTEE DIVINE FAVOR. There are hundreds of sects over the world professing to be founded on the Bible. Is this proof that all of them are divinely sanctioned? Most certainly not. An institution or organization enjoys divine favor only so far as it teaches the truth as it is in Christ Jesus. For an institution to profess to be founded on the Bible and then teach heresy, only aggravates the guilt that attaches to the teaching of false doctrine.

But Masonry is not based on the Bible, and cannot truthfully make that claim. All that can be truthfully said, is that in Christian countries, a copy of the Bible is one of the necessary pieces of furniture; that it is used in the taking of oaths and that parts of it are read in the conferring of degrees.

Mackey, in his Manual of the Lodge, page 49, says: "The furniture of the lodge consists of a Holy Bible, square and compass." These are called "the three great lights of Masonry ."

Then from A Digest of Masonic Law, by Chase, page 207, we read: "The Jews, the Chinese, the Turks, each reject either the New Testament, or the Old, or both, and yet we see no good reason why they should not be Masons. IN FACT, BLUE LODGE MASONRY (the first three degrees), HAS NOTHING WHATEVER TO DO WITH THE BIBLE. IT IS NOT FOUNDED ON THE BIBLE; IF IT WAS IT WOULD NOT BE MASONRY; IT WOULD BE SOMETHING ELSE."

"And then from Mackey's Lexicon comes the following enlightening comment: "The Bible is used among Masons (NOT AS AN INSPIRED REVELATION), but only as a symbol of the will of God, however, it may be expressed."

This matter is further elucidated by the following quotation from the same author's Text Book of Masonic Jurisprudence: "It is a landmark that a 'Book of Law' shall constitute an indispensable part of the furniture of every lodge. I say advisedly a 'Book of the Law' because it is not absolutely required that everywhere the Old and New Testament shall be used. THE 'BOOK OF THE LAW' IS THAT VOLUME WHICH BY THE RELIGION OF THE COUNTRY IS BELIEVED TO CONTAIN THE REVEALED WILL OF THE GREAT ARCHITECT OF THE UNIVERSE. Hence in all lodges in Christian countries the 'Book of the Law' is composed of the Old and New Testaments; in a country where Judaism was the prevailing faith, the Old Testament alone would be sufficient; AND IN MOHAMMEDAN COUNTRIES AND AMONG MOHAMMEDAN MASONS, THE KORAN MIGHT BE SUBSTITUTED."

This explains the use of the Red Fez and its Antichrist messaging while promoting good works... https://amos37.com/freemasonry-exposed/
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