Rooshy Roy is the founder and CEO of Aavrani, a holistic skincare line that uses clean, effective cosmetics rooted in Indian agent beauty rituals, which she saw her grandmother using as a young girl in India. 

As an adult searching for an easier way to access non-toxic formulas, Rooshy reconnected with her roots by creating the beauty products she wished she had as a young Indian girl growing up in the Midwest. I deeply resonate with this because growing up in Texas, I only saw brands like AVON or Revlon, and none of it was created with my skin in mind. 

It’s definitely a beautiful thing when the journey to find a solution, molds us into the resource we once set out to find and that’s the nature of Rooshy’s story. 

Her recent partnership with Lilly Singh on her upcoming haircare line is proving that Rooshy is ready to bring these ancient rituals to the mainstream and share the beauty of the Indian culture. Join the conversation and hear all about this incredible partnership, Rooshy’s path to her current success, how she is harnessing the most powerful beauty rituals of the Ayurvedic tradition, and more. 

We talked about:   

How the AAVRANI and Lily partnership came about  (1:51)The moment Rooshy knew this was the beginning of a beautiful friendship (9:32)Maintaining healthy competition while supporting other holistic brands (14:10)Rooshy's favorite beauty brands, rituals, and holistic practices + what's next for Aavrani (19:42)The shame of turmeric-colored fingers in childhood + how hairy legs can build character (24:20)Dating as the oldest daughter (29:53)Rapid Fire Questions  (34:17)Rooshy's bare bones for happiness (38:50)

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This podcast is produced by Ginni Media.