What if you could up-level your business by taking more time off? What, has Dov gone crazy?

No, I haven’t! What if you knew how to strategically take more time off from your business and it made your business become stronger? We all know the horror stories from entrepreneurial friends who speak about 80-hour weeks, 51 ½ weeks a year. If you're already an entrepreneur, that may be exactly how you are living. It may seem like there are no other options. But what if there actually was a way to work less and be more productive, more profitable, and more human for those you love?

Let's find out. Our guest for the next two episodes is returning champion, Dr. Sabrina Starling. Sabrina is on a mission, disrupting the traditional story of entrepreneurship. She believes that work should support life, not the other way around. Sabrina, along with her team at Tap the Potential, guides entrepreneurs in taking their lives back. She says that the strange irony is, the more time you take off from your business, the stronger it becomes. That is, if you do so strategically. This is exactly what she outlines in her new international best seller, The 4 Week Vacation® The Entrepreneur’s Ultimate Guide to Taking Your Life Back from Your Business.

Website http://www.tapthepotential.com

Book: https://tapthepotential.com/4-week-vacation-book

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Part 1) Confronting the Time Off Lies

Searching for effective and successful
The Shocking State of Entrepreneurship in the US
Why the More You Work, the More You Need to Re-Work
Your Business or Your Life
Confronting the Sacrifice Lie!
Are You in a Primary Relationship With Your... Business
Confronting The "I can't Afford to Hire" Lie
Determining Your Value Activities
The Power of Systems
Building on What Not to Do

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