Horror writer and 30 days of night creator Steve Niles and horror artist DW Frydendall join Johnny Torrani on the Americas Bad Kids Halloween Special for CottonMouth.tv. Cottonmouth will premiere there Halloween Eve at 12am, so be sure to check it out.

Steve Niles is a profile horror comic writer. He is currently writing, Batman after midnight, Criminal Macabe: Cellblock 666, Simon Dark, City of Dust and Epilogue.

DW Frydendall is a horror artist in the greater Los Angeles area. He currently has a show at Hayena Gallery in Burbank CA, he has done works for comics, album covers, clothing and private commissions.

Be sure to check out this installment of Americas Bad Kids for a great chance to see Steve Niles talk about his upcoming collaboration with his good friend Eric Powell, his influences and playing scrabble with Bernie Wrightson.

For more Things the Bad Kids like you can check out www.americasbadkids.com or find ABK on MySpace at www.myspace.com/americasbadkidstv

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