Summary by Peyton Smith

Hour 1, segment 1: Americanuck Radio welcomes back Mr. Dann Martin, aka the Hungry Trucker, to the program today.

Dan knows a bit about hospitals, due to his long term experience working hospital security.

He's seen it all in the way of crazy patients wheeled in, including one that had a gun.

Today, Dan discussed a recent trip to a hospital in Alberta to have a recently injured knee looked at.

He described a hospital that wasn't flooded, as we're all lead to believe. Aren't we in the middle of a dire pandemic?

A huge line of BS is being peddled.
Alberta MLA Peter Guthrie just announced that the Alberta government plans to introduce QR Codes for Albertans to use as a vaccine passport.

In an apology to his constituents, Guthrie says that he is troubled with the government’s push for more restrictions as a reaction to increasing strain on the health care system and that he believes vaccine passports will only further divide Alberta and disparage the unvaccinated.

Mike analyzes this latest twist.
Hour 1, segment 2: 12 Alberta mayors are pushing for vaccine passports.
(AUDIO) Australia is going to lock people out of the economy if they don't get vaccinated.
(AUDIO) CNN once again gives Fauci a platform for his ever evolving fairytale.

It's sooo startling to see people going to football games, and living a normal life.

Too much vigorous exhaling.

Mike torches the BS, yet again.
Glacier National Park is removing the "glaciers will be gone" by 2020 signs.

The signs will be removed and replaced with new ones that say "when they will completely disappear depends on how and when we act."

Mike tackles the climate insanity.
Enjoy all this, and more, in a very thrilling hour 1.

Hour 2, segment 1: (AUDIO) Trump was Maria Bartiromo's guest on Fox recently, when he said there was actually a cabal who is running the government, not Biden.

Mike gets into this a bit.
Americanuck Radio is very proud to be joined by Derek Harrison, aka Rants Derek of the Plaid Army, who was on the ground for a recent Trudeau rally in Ontario.

Derek describes how the event went down, and how those who were there behaved. No gravel was thrown, or any other objects.

Although Justin has had objects thrown at him, his father Pierre also had assorted objects tossed at him as well.

Nothing new, as Mike and Derek point out.

The discussion also goes into the Canadian election, and party politics.

This is a fabulous chat!
Hour 2, segment 2: (AUDIO) Erin O' Toole is going to lower cell and internet bills.

Mike explains the lie and the hook that these politicians try to tempt people with.
Calgary mayoral candidate Kevin J. Johnston sentenced to 40 days, ordered to pay $20K to Alberta Health Services.
A Spanish bishop, Xavier Novell, who was known for his ultraconservative views, has ditched his vow of celibacy and cast away his cassock to step down for a life with his lover, Silvia Caballol, who happens to be a divorced author of erotic-satanic novels, according to The Times.

Novell, who is also, ironically, an exorcist, said that he resigned for “strictly personal reasons”, without elaborating, but the Catholic media outlet, Religion Digital, reported that he was in a romatic relationship with Caballol.

Mike delves into this.
(AUDIO) Trudeau reveals his dirty little secret of campaigning.
Mike reads letters to the editor from the Edmonton Journal.

Enjoy all of this, and more, in a very wonderful segment 2.

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