Jerry and his date Jesus talk the HBO red carpet and insulting Hollywood producers. Plus, America's new "Space Force" is only the tip of a conspiracy iceberg...

Congratulations to Jerry for joining an elite group of comics featured on HBO Latino's ENTRE NOS...Soon to be joined by Jesus Sepulveda, aka Big Dick Daddy himself!

Meanwhile, Jerry's kids tried to bankrupt him with Fortnite, Jesus has been lusting over a trans woman, and Christian has a convenient new game: Lady or Ladyboy? Spoiler: Jesus loses.

Then, the guys try to figure out if it's still okay to want an old-fashioned relationship, and Jerry ponders visiting the gun range with his son and his son's step-dad.



7/8 @ Levity Live in Oxnard, CA

7/15 @ Standup Live in Phoenix, AZ

7/29 @ The Sturges Center in San Bernardino, CA


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American Wannabes is a weekly Latino comedy podcast featuring comics Jerry Garcia, Jesus Sepulveda and Christian Zaragoza.