Episode 66:  1961, part 2.  Earl Gideon couldn’t afford a lawyer so he changed the law, Roy Orbison was running scared, a fella named Gary U.S. Bonds may have accidentally recorded a live song that topped the charts, chicken farmer, Joe Simonton eats alien pancakes made by Italian aliens all while George York and James Latham do some good ol’ fashion spree killing.  Season 4, Episode 8, of American Timelines!
Part of the Queen City Podcast Network: www.queencitypodcastnetwork.com. Credits Include:  Popculture.us, Wikipedia, IMDB & Youtube.  Information may not be accurate, as it is produced by jerks.
Music by MATT TRUMAN EGO TRIP, the greatest American Band. Click Here to buy their albums!
Donate to American Timelines on Patreon! We'll make more podcasts and make them better!

Episode 66:  1961, part 2.  Earl Gideon couldn’t afford a lawyer so he changed the law, Roy Orbison was running scared, a fella named Gary U.S. Bonds may have accidentally recorded a live song that topped the charts, chicken farmer, Joe Simonton eats alien pancakes made by Italian aliens all while George York and James Latham do some good ol’ fashion spree killing.  Season 4, Episode 8, of American Timelines!

Part of the Queen City Podcast Network: www.queencitypodcastnetwork.com. Credits Include:  Popculture.us, Wikipedia, IMDB & Youtube.  Information may not be accurate, as it is produced by jerks.

Music by MATT TRUMAN EGO TRIP, the greatest American Band. Click Here to buy their albums!

Donate to American Timelines on Patreon! We'll make more podcasts and make them better!