This episode: 1995 We cover Boris Yeltson, Steve Young, Shawn Michaels, Aum Shinrikyo, Marlon Brando kissing Larry King, and Amy takes a deep dive into the Oklahoma City Bombing.
American Timelines is a podcast by Joe and Amy. We figured everyone else has a podcast, so why not us? Podcast to save the marriage? maybe. what’s it to ya? Season 1:  The 1990s.  Episode 6:  1995.
Credits Include:, Wikipedia & Youtube.  Information may not be accurate, as it is produced by idiots.
Music by MATT TRUMAN EGO TRIP, the greatest American Band. Click Here to buy their album, Everybody’s Got One!

This episode: 1995 We cover Boris Yeltson, Steve Young, Shawn Michaels, Aum Shinrikyo, Marlon Brando kissing Larry King, and Amy takes a deep dive into the Oklahoma City Bombing.

American Timelines is a podcast by Joe and Amy. We figured everyone else has a podcast, so why not us? Podcast to save the marriage? maybe. what’s it to ya? Season 1:  The 1990s.  Episode 6:  1995.

Credits Include:, Wikipedia & Youtube.  Information may not be accurate, as it is produced by idiots.

Music by MATT TRUMAN EGO TRIP, the greatest American Band. Click Here to buy their album, Everybody’s Got One!