Episode 101: Glickstein Names A Burger While Alabamians Disappear!  The First Lady Boston Marathon Runner, The Big Mac is named by a lady, Johnny Carson quits, Snoopy finds a bird, Regis Philbin is a sidekick!  American Timelines 1967, Part 3. 
Season 4, Episode 42, of American Timelines!
Part of the Queen City Podcast Network: www.queencitypodcastnetwork.com. Credits Include:  Marathon Woman by K. Switzer, Beatles Bible, Popculture.us, Wikipedia, TVtango, IMDB & Youtube.  Information may not be accurate, as it is produced by jerks.
Music by MATT TRUMAN EGO TRIP, the greatest American Band. Click Here to buy their albums!

Episode 101: Glickstein Names A Burger While Alabamians Disappear!  The First Lady Boston Marathon Runner, The Big Mac is named by a lady, Johnny Carson quits, Snoopy finds a bird, Regis Philbin is a sidekick!  American Timelines 1967, Part 3. 

Season 4, Episode 42, of American Timelines!

Part of the Queen City Podcast Network: www.queencitypodcastnetwork.com. Credits Include:  Marathon Woman by K. Switzer, Beatles Bible, Popculture.us, Wikipedia, TVtango, IMDB & Youtube.  Information may not be accurate, as it is produced by jerks.

Music by MATT TRUMAN EGO TRIP, the greatest American Band. Click Here to buy their albums!