This is a conversation with my friend Azhar Usman, a man I call the most serious man in comedy. Azhar asked me to watch Ramy Youssef’s show ‘Ramy’ on Hulu, and when I begrudgingly did, I was floored. This happened again with Aziz Ansari’s comedy special ‘Aziz Ansari Right Now’ on Netflix. As we began to unpack the significance of these two shows, we found ourselves wrestling with modern dichotomies: Good Muslim/Bad Muslim; Artists/Awliya’; God’s Estate/Our States.

In this hour and a half, I hope you feel the love I have for this brother, and just how his sobering words help put into perspective the beautiful and flawed world which ultimately, points us back to God. This week’s Submitter Circle Podcast, the podcast for patrons of I. A. Malik Studio has also been made public; for those of you are not patrons, we hope you enjoy this extended auditory experience.

Go deeper and become a patron here:

Books mentioned:

Rene Guenon’s Crisis of a Modern World

Produced by Imran Ali Malik and Zahra Parekh

This is a conversation with my friend Azhar Usman, who I call the most serious man in comedy. Azhar asked me to watch Ramy Youssef’s show ‘Ramy’ on Hulu, and when I begrudgingly did, I was floored. This happened again with Aziz Ansari’s comedy special ‘Aziz Ansari Right Now’ on Netflix. As we began to unpack the significance of these two shows, we found ourselves wrestling with modern dichotomies: Good Muslim/Bad Muslim; Artists/Awliya’; God’s Estate/Our States.

In this hour and a half episode, I hope you are all able to feel the love I have for this brother, and just how his sobering words help put into perspective the beautiful and flawed world which ultimately, points us back to God. This week’s Submitter Circle Podcast, the podcast for patrons of I. A. Malik Studio has also been made public; for those of you are not patrons, I hope you enjoy this extended auditory experience.

Please share this with family and friends who you think might like it.

Go deeper and become a patron here:

Books mentioned:

Rene Guenon’s Crisis of a Modern World

Produced by Imran Ali Malik and Zahra Parekh