General Burgoyne's army reaches the Hudson river after slogging through the wilderness for most of August 1777. Burgoyne relied on his Indian allies to keep the enemy from setting up ambushes or otherwise interfering with progress.
After an Indian returned with the scalp of Jane McCrea, the fiancé of one of his officers, Burgoyne had to put restrictions on the Indians. Most warriors responded by leaving the army and returning home. The story of Jane McCrea became a rallying point for Americans against the barbarous tactic of the British.
Visit my site at for more text, pictures, maps, and sources on this topic.
Book Recommendation of the Week: The Divided Ground: Indians, Settlers, and the Northern Borderland of the American Revolution, by Alan Taylor 
Online Recommendation of the Week: The Life of Jane McCrea, by David Wilson:
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General Burgoyne's army reaches the Hudson river after slogging through the wilderness for most of August 1777. Burgoyne relied on his Indian allies to keep the enemy from setting up ambushes or otherwise interfering with progress.

After an Indian returned with the scalp of Jane McCrea, the fiancé of one of his officers, Burgoyne had to put restrictions on the Indians. Most warriors responded by leaving the army and returning home. The story of Jane McCrea became a rallying point for Americans against the barbarous tactic of the British.

Visit my site at for more text, pictures, maps, and sources on this topic.

Book Recommendation of the Week: The Divided Ground: Indians, Settlers, and the Northern Borderland of the American Revolution, by Alan Taylor 

Online Recommendation of the Week: The Life of Jane McCrea, by David Wilson:

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