If you’re not familiar with Evan Carmichael, he is out to solve the world’s biggest problem; getting people to #Believe in themselves. This is our second interview with Evan who believes in entrepreneurs and has dedicated his entire career to serving them. He has a hit YouTube channel, does a 3-month inspirational tour across 22 cities in America, and is intentional and mythical about his entire brand.

Evan says, “You’re the BEST in the world… at something. But chances are it’s not what your parents want you to do. It’s not what you went to school for.”

Evan and I discuss his Top 10 Rules, his definition of goals, the pillow test and much, much more. He’s also getting ready to launch his latest book, Built To Serve, and discusses some of the content in our interview.

And speaking of books, I am on a mission to help people find #Conviction within themselves by writing their very own book. If you’ve thought about writing a bestseller, but need some accountability and a boost getting started, I want to help. Join me and Andre Haykal, Jr. for an interactive incubator course to birth your own book. Don’t let another year slip by. Check out the link in the show notes for more details.

And speaking of books, have you thought about writing your own book to express your passion and grow your authority? Join me and Andre Haykal Jr. for an interactive incubator course to birth your own book. Check out the link in the show notes below for details.

CLICK HERE TO ENROLL: https://www.innovateyouniversity.com/courses/how-to-write-a-best-seller-in-90-days

Book a Free 1:1 Coaching Call: https://calendly.com/americanreal/20min


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