Pat Healey is the President of Viking Yachts, and he lives and breathes Viking. Pat's worked at Viking since he was ten years old, working part time for his father. He's held every single job at the company from Janitor to President, and his passion for his craft seeps through every fiber of his being. 

Today, Pat is at the top of his game. Viking recently won best in show at the Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show with its beautiful 54' Convertible. 

Pat, and the Viking team, might make success look easy, but its been anything but. Each Viking Yacht is painstakingly constructed to the highest specifications. Everything is planned to a T. 

In this interview, Pat and Chris talk about the Viking story and how the company got to where it is today. They talk about Pat's passion for sport fishing, and how Viking uses fishing tournaments to inform the design of its boats. 

Whether you're a new boater or an old salt, you'll get a lot out of this interview. 

To learn more about Viking Yachts, head over to