John Boyce, MD, a renowned infectious disease specialist and hospital epidemiologist and colleague Richard Martinello, MD a medical director of infection prevention devised an innovative method to assess how well HCPs perform hand hygiene using portable thermal imaging. Check out how they were able to better examine hand hygiene technique.

Dr. Cervantes speaks on how she and her colleagues did a cross-sectional study using data derived from the 2020 APIC MegaSurvey to describe the state of infection prevention and control programs and personnel across nonacute clinical settings in the United States. Listen in as Dr. Cervantes tells us what the findings from this work means for the field of infection prevention and control.

With special guests:

John Boyce, MD President at J.M. Boyce Consulting LLCĀ and Richard A. Martinello, MD, Medical Director of Infection Prevention, Yale School of Medicine