Tinicum CSA is a partnership between Bucks County native John Crooke and Minnesota native Stefan Streit, who met each other in 2012, while they were both working as CSA apprentices at Sisters Hill Farm in Stanfordville, NY.

John grew up sharing the chores with his brothers on his parents’ dairy farm.  His interest in vegetable farming began at Cornell University, where he co-managed the student farm at Dilmun Hill.  He is a returned Peace Corps Volunteer from Paraguay, where he worked for three years in Agricultural Extension and Corps Member Coordination.  

For his part, Stefan grew up in Minnesota, and not long after college, worked as an Americorps member for an environmental restoration non-profit in Seattle.  

Together, John and Stefan have a shared vision for Tinicum CSA.  They believe there are four essential elements of Tinicum CSA.  First, they insist that what they do must be good for the members who participate in the CSA.  They  believe that what they grow is healthy, nourishing, and a good value for a full season of produce.  Second, they commit to leaving the land on which they farm in even better growing condition than the way they received it.  Third, they are determined that their efforts on the farm should afford us a dignified quality of life.  And finally, as responsible citizens of the local community, they intend to do right by neighbors, other local businesses, and the community.

You can find more info at www.Tinicumcsa.com