Host Doug Stephan has news about how the Family Farm is in trouble. Next, Doug welcomes Darla Tyler-McSherry who started "Ask In Earnest" after her father died of an apparent suicide. "I believe that my dad was born to be a farmer. He spent his entire life working the land, caring for the animals, providing for his family, and providing food for countless people over the course of his lifetime. Like all other farmers, he experienced numerous challenges—drought, crop disease, insect infestations, hailstorms, unpredictable markets, blizzards, breakdowns during harvest, and the long days with the hot prairie winds blowing on his neck. "I could never picture him doing anything else." The single most important concept that Darla wants to share with others is to listen carefully to farmers and to ask in earnest to help prevent suicide in farming. Resources are available to help. Finally, Doug opines about the big farms versus the small farms, and the breakdowns of net profit.