Host and American Family Farmer, Doug Stephan brings you the lasted in farming and argi-news, including Democratic Presidential hopefuls are hearing from action groups and farmers about their concerns. Then, there's news about Swine Flu and the link to China. Next, we meet Fritz Boettner of Sprouting Farms and the Turnrow Farm Collective. and Fritz is Project Director at both and a native of Charleston, WV and a graduate of WVU. Sprouting Farms Appalachian Croft and Training Center is a four-season non-profit farm and education and resource center located in Summers County WV. They believe that long-lasting impact is created by training new farmers in quality and sustainable production techniques, and by providing shared resources and educational opportunities to the whole farm community. ​Turnrow is a coordinated group of farmers and organizations that market, sell, distribute, and process local products for customers across the region. Their focus is "seed to box," working with producers and buyers to bridge the necessary gap to fundamentally changing our approach to accessing local food. Finally, Doug opines about US Secretary of Agriculture, Sonny Purdue's recent responses to media about the state of The Family Farm.