Host and real American Family Farmer, Doug Stephan begins with news that farmers are having a hard time finding new farm equipment to buy. Next, we meet the founder of Fuller Field School and founding board member of Great Plains Regeneration, Gail Fuller. INSTAGRAM: @Circle7byfullerfarms Gail’s life journey has taken him on a path from a 3200-acre conventional farm that grew Roundup Ready corn and soy (extractive agriculture) to a 162 acre food farm that grows multiple species of livestock and literally dozens of different grains, fruit, nut, and vegetable crops (regenerative). Along the way, he has l earned the value of healthy ecosystems to both his farming operation as well as his own health. “Humans have this desire to conquer”, says Fuller. “More often than not, we need to get out of the way and let nature do her thing.” Finally, Farmer Doug opines that it's time to wake up about the Chinese taking over food production in America.