Tucker Carlson is desperate to ingratiate himself with the most abhorrent wing of the Republican base but this week he totally went off the rails.  The sniveling twit actually called four-star General Mark Milley a pig. Not sure what is worse, that Fox didn't kick him off the air immediately or that his ratings probably rose and Rupert Murdoch most likely gave him a raise.

Between right-wing media outrages, the scary rise in the Delta Variant, the botched Infrastructure negotiations, and the continued pushback from anti-vaxxers who now make up over 99% of the hospitalized COVID patients in America, it really does feel like a world gone mad.

Robin and David tackle it all and manage to still find a way to leave you with a truly heartwarming feel-good story so that you don't drive off the road, fall off your treadmill or run screaming into the night.