As a nation, we watched with a mixture of astonishment and horror, as the Taliban raced across the entirety of Afghanistan in a heartbeat. The suddenness with which they rolled over and laid waste to 20 years of "nation-building" was and is hard to comprehend. The end of the conflict, that Trump negotiated with the Taliban and then left for Biden to oversee, has stirred emotions across the spectrum.  From those who served to those who live to point fingers and affix blame.

One way or the other, within the next 72 hours this two-decade-old war, which was started to satisfy the bloodlust of a nation hell-bent on revenge for 9/11, will come to a close.  The conclusion will be anything but satisfying for anyone not a member of the Taliban.  The aftershocks will be felt for a long time, or until the next political powderkeg ignites and consumes the talking heads on both the right and left-wing of our media circus.

For host Robin Biro, the memories of serving two tours with his Army Ranger brothers, in a country that never fully embraced them or their mission, the emotions remain raw and complicated. He explains all of this in a wide-ranging conversation about what has happened over the past two years, and where we go from here.

Oh and did we mention that the pandemic is still raging across the country no matter how hard Gov. Ron #DeathSantis tries to insist that all is rosy in the hottest of COVID hot zones, Florida.